Monday, February 20, 2012

W6: Open Topic

Over the weekend, I hosted my brother, Andrew, and a few of his friends for the sibs weekend festivities. I had a great time seeing my brother and I enjoyed showing him a piece of the “college life.” Much to my surprise, he arrived mid-day on Saturday bearing an array of food and snacks, which my parents sent down to feed Andrew and his friends. I was excited because I knew that I would be taking full advantage of the leftovers. Among the assortment of food were a box of 24 large Laffy Taffys and a 24 pack of 24 ounce Mountain Dew bottles. Throughout my childhood, these are two things that I enjoyed on a daily basis; however, nowadays I drink a significantly less amount of pop/soda and eat fewer amount of candy than I once did, especially after taking this course.
Nevertheless, along with my brother and his friends I enjoyed myself as I dined on multiple Mountain Dews and a few Laffy Taffys. At one point, in the middle of indulging myself in a watermelon flavored Laffy Taffy, I began to read the back and of the wrapper. Glancing at the wrapper, between bites, I saw the words, “contains egg.” I thought for a minute as I chewed the sweet, tough, and gooey combination. Due to this course, have become more aware of the food that I consume and what goes into the foods that I consume. After reading that the Laffy Taffy, which I was currently stuffing my face with, contained eggs, I studied the small print on the back of the label to see what else helped to form Laffy Taffy. First of all, I do not normally associate eggs with the candy that I eat; and, honestly, I am curious as to how many other different candies contain egg. That just seems weird to me! Really weird! What is more, in addition to egg (egg albumen), Lafffy Taffy also contains “sodium alginate,” hydrogenated coconut oil,” and “carnauba wax,” all of which sound very appetizing. Currently and due to this course, I am more aware than ever of what it is that I am putting into my body. I feel that it is vital towards maintaining an overall healthy body and mind.

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