Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Exlporing America's Food Culture's first blog!

My name is Tyler Schindewolf. I grew up in the city of Akron, Ohio and was raised in one of Akron’s western suburbs in a town called Copley. I am a junior and communications major with a focus in writing. In addition, I have always enjoyed expressing myself on paper and look forward to taking full advantage of the newly offered writing certificate at Ohio University. Currently, I spend most of time as a student and managing, Blimp City Records & Entertainment, a small music production company that I recently started up with a few friends. We are a hip-hop/rap collective and will be down at the Union on the 31st of this month, if any of you want to come check us out. 

Growing up, I ate a wide variety of foods that, I now know, mainly belong to the Midwest regional food culture. For as far back as I can remember, my favorite meal was always steak and a baked potato or mashed potatoes, which is a staple in midwestern food culture. However, I believe that it is hard to group the foods that I eat into just one culture, because the foods that I eat on a regular basis are consist of foods that are common among various different regional food cultures. For instance, I am a main proponent of spicy dishes found in the southwestern regional food cultures. Moreover, two of my favorite fruits, pomegranates and pineapples, which I eat on a regular basis when I am back home at my parent’s house, are more commonly found in costal regions where the climate is warm year-round, as opposed to Northeast Ohio, where conditions do not even permit such fruits to grow. I feel that my diet, although heavily influenced by my regional culture, is well rounded and contains a large variety of foods common in other regional food cultures.

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